Spicy Sesame Bruschetta

On a grilled sesame baguette with chives and lots of vinegar

Sam Livingston
Jul 30 2024 | 2 min read
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On a grilled sesame baguette with chives and lots of vinegar

Talking about perfect July and August tomatoes is roughly 50% of my personality: the thrill of picking up gorgeous, ruby red tomatoes and coming up with fresh takes on old favorites throughout the summer truly keeps me going through every other part of the year. Last year, this Friseé, Chivey Mayo and Japanese Tomato Sandwich was on heavy rotation in my household and this year, my summer cooking possibilities feel endless—much thanks to all of my friends who have grills at their place. Hope you enjoy!


  • About 2 tsp of a Serrano pepper, diced, seeds removed, or a couple pinches of red pepper flakes

  • 1 tsp lightly toasted sesame seeds

  • 6 small very ripe Campari tomatoes or a pint of sweet Wild Wonders tomatoes, roughly chopped

  • 1 Tbsp fresh oregano, destemmed

  • 3-4 Tbsp fresh chives, thinly sliced

  • 1 clove garlic, grated

  • A couple splashes of Acid League Meyer lemon vinegar or champagne vinegar with a big squeeze of lemon juice

  • Generous pinch of salt, plus more to taste

  • Lots of freshly ground black pepper

For serving

  • Olive oil

  • Sesame baguette, sliced into 1/2 inch slices

  • Any sharp sheep’s cheese or pecorino, grated, for topping


  1. Heat a grill over medium or a large cast iron over medium-high.

  2. To a medium-sized bowl, add 1 tsp diced Serrano pepper, 1 tsp lightly toasted sesame seeds, the roughly chopped tomatoes, 1 Tbsp fresh oregano, 3 Tbsp fresh chives, 1 grated garlic clove, and a splash or two of Acid League Meyer Lemon vinegar (or champagne vin with a big squeeze of lemon juice). Add a generous pinch of salt and lots of freshly ground black pepper. Toss well and taste: add a bit more salt and the remaining tsp of the Serrano pepper if you’d like more heat. Let sit while you grill or toast the baguette. Set aside.

  3. Brush baguette slices with olive oil and add to the grill or the cast iron: let them get nice and golden for 2-4 minutes on each side. Remove to a serving platter and top with the bruschetta mixture, then shower lots of grated cheese over the plate—enjoy!

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